Here is a small selection of my most loved guided meditations for healing and cultivating Inner Peace.

Guided meditation for sleep

This guided meditation for sleep is to help you relax and unwind before sleep. With relaxing and calming music you will be guided by Piers into a peaceful state preparing you for a deep night's sleep.

Many people struggle to switch off at the end of the day. So this meditation will help you to start switching your mind off and relaxing your body so that you will drop into a deep and nourishing sleep.

Others struggle with waking in the night with thoughts going round their heads. This meditation can be listened to just before sleep in order to calm these thoughts down or if you wake in the night and usually struggle to go back to sleep.

Enjoy and sleep well...

Guided Smiling Meditation For Cultivating Inner Joy

The guided smiling meditation is a powerful 20 minute meditation to help you start to cultivate inner joy.

Drawn from an ancient Taoist meditation called the Inner Smile this meditation is a chance for you to relax, stop and feel joy flow round your body. When we smile our bodies produce endorphins, the feel good chemicals of the body.

By practicing this mediation in the morning on a daily basis you will start your day in an uplifted and positive state. By regularly practicing this guided relaxation your body will start to wake each morning preparing to enter this joyful state.

A powerful way to start the day...

Guided Visualization For Healing The Past & Letting Go of Daily Concerns

This guided visualization is for those who want to heal the past and let go of daily concerns.

In this guided meditation you will be led into an English woodland where you will go deeply into a space of relaxation and calm. In a sacred space in the centre of the forest you will find a place to go deeply within yourself to let go of negative thoughts and come back to your centre.

An excellent meditation to use at the end of the day to let go of any worries.

Guided Meditation for Healing & Opening The Heart

Many of us have learned to shut down our hearts. Many of us have wounds in our hearts.

In the following meditation you will be guided into a safe and sacred place within yourself. In this place you will receive healing for your heart. This guided meditation will help you to open your heart.

This meditation is good for people who are wanting to heal the wounds of the past in relationships in order to move forward and open themselves towards love.
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