MAY 2020 - Bath - Postponed

Men’s Retreat - Breaking Old Patterns & Creating New Ones

This is your opportunity to connect with other, like-minded men in this beautiful and peaceful woodland setting near Bath, Wiltshire

Stuck in Old Patterns?

During the past 22 years, Piers Cross has studied meditation, spent 3 years living in a Buddhist monastery and has spent much time on retreat. His retreats are a chance for men to re-centre themselves, connect to other men and become more present and heart-centred.

Discover peace and calm

This weekend retreat will help participants to drop into a peaceful and calm internal state in a beautiful woodland setting.

Open Your Heart

You will learn daily practices for opening the heart, devloping presence and inner stillness

Be Here Now

 You will have time alone in nature to slow down and become more present.

Together is Strength

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things run smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
“Happiness depends upon ourselves.
This is your invitation to join other, like-minded men in 4 easy steps

Men’s Retreat near Bath



A weekend gathering where we will connect as men through physical practices like qigong, games; being in nature – dipping in rivers, spending quiet time, creativity; spending time around a fire – cooking food, storytelling, music, sharing. A chance to connect as men.



22nd May 5pm 2020 – 24th May 2020 2pm.



Open to any man – max 20.



Booking not yet open

Deepen your relationships with the other men.

Create a stronger container as a wider group of men for us to grow and support each other

Be lead in practices in deepening your connection to your inner strength.  Grow both as a man and as a brotherhood
Connect back to your inner selves through your connection with nature.

Connecting to the mature masculine archetypes of King, Magician, Warrior and Lover.
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Places are limited to 20 men

Booking is not yet open for this retreat. Please join my mailing list to be notified when it opens.
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